Minister of Environment and Forestry
Republic of Indonesia
Born in Jakarta on August 28, 1956, Siti Nurbaya obtained her PhD in Environmental Science in 1998 from a joint program between Bogor Agricultural University and Siegen University, Germany.
She began her career as a civil servant at Lampung Provincial Government in 1981 and a few years later was appointed as Deputy Head of Provincial Development Planning Board. In 1998, she was transferred to Jakarta, assigned as Director of Planning Bureau of the Ministry of Home Affairs, and in 2001 promoted to Secretary General of the Ministry. Subsequently, she became one of the first Indonesian senators, for the period of 2006 to 2009. In October 2014, H.E. President Jokowi appointed her to join the current Government Cabinet, to serve as the Minister for Environment and Forestry – MoEF. MoEF is a newly consolidated portfolio from the previous Ministry of Forestry and Ministry of Environment, which includes more than 17,800 civil servants. MoEF also serves as the national focal point for climate change issues.
Siti Nurbaya has been active in domestic and overseas meetings, seminars, and talk shows encompassing a wide spectrum of subjects such as bureaucracy, nationality, politics, democracy, parliament, political economy, regional autonomy, women empowerment, environmental and natural resources management, geo-science, and geographic information systems.